Repetitions for building muscle Fitness training, muscle building and maximum strength are different and complex topics. In order for the muscle building training to bring…
Effective fat burning with cardio training
The targeted loss of body fat is a great challenge for many fitness beginners. Especially when fat burning is to be achieved primarily through arduous…
Sixpack training plan for defined abdominal muscles
A disciplined diet and the right combination of muscle building and cardio training form the basis for a nice six pack . If the whole…
The ectomorph – minimal body fat and slim physique
What is an ectomorph? Ectomorphs are also known as ” Hardgainers ” and are very difficult to build muscles . Hard gainers do not gain…
Free training plans for rapid muscle building
Effective muscle growth is not simply brought about by protein-containing meals and lots of sleep – in addition to an optimized nutrition plan , the…
The mesomorph – the ideal ratio between body fat and muscle mass
What is a mesomorph? Life is easy for mesomorphs. That applies at least to fitness training. A mesomorphic metabolic type has the optimal genetic requirements…
Lose Weight On The Belly – Why Burning Fat On The Belly Is So Difficult
Even if women and men are very different – one theme unites them: Losing weight on the stomach . At the latest when summer is…
The 10 Most Effective Exercises for Building Muscle
The best exercises for building muscle In this article I present the 10 most effective fitness exercises for more muscle mass . With excellent technique,…
Effective abdominal muscle training for a defined six pack
An effective abs workout will likely look very different from what you might think. If you are one of those candidates who have been doing…