Effective muscle growth is not simply brought about by protein-containing meals and lots of sleep – in addition to an optimized nutrition plan , the training plan must also be ideally tailored to muscle building . Anyone who thinks that regular chest biceps training and a glass of milk after a workout lead to radical mass gain is simply wrong. If the training day falls more often on a Friday evening, you quickly develop an ominous “disco pumper image”.

Домашние тренировки для начинающих: как за 4 месяца измениться до неузнаваемости - Лайфхакер

A free training plan is the perfect means for fitness beginners with which the muscle building training can be structured. A good training plan not only takes into account the best exercises for building muscle and burning fat, but also specifies training days, exercises / repetitions per training unit and the rest phases in which the muscles are given the necessary time for muscle regeneration . Beginners in particular have to adhere to the regeneration times, because unchecked motivation for rapid muscle growth can quickly lead to overtraining.

2-part split, 3-part split and six-pack training

Our free training plans are just one way of creating effective muscle building training. The type and scope of the exercises can vary depending on the training goal. The selection of the weekdays is only a guideline and of course cannot always be adhered to exactly. The number of repetitions of all exercises is a healthy average, which causes sufficient stimulation for muscle growth and at the same time reduces the risk of overtraining. Primary factors for successful training are training interval, training intensity and the choice of exercises.

As the training progresses, a variable training plan is recommended. Here you no longer follow the training plan, but the training plan is designed according to personal goals, performance and health. An individual training plan maximizes the training success, accelerates muscle building and saves a lot of time. A certain affinity between fitness and business planning is unmistakable.

Here is a compilation of free training plans and nutrition plans for effective muscle building:

Training plans :

  1. Training plan for building muscle: Whole body training for beginners
  2. Training plan for muscle building: 2 split mass building
  3. Training plan for building muscle: 3 split mass building
  4. Training plan for building muscle: 3 split strength endurance
  5. Six pack training plan for defined abdominal muscles
  6. 3-part split training plan for intensive muscle building with variation (part A)
  7. 3-part split training plan for intensive muscle building with variation (part B)

Diet plans:

  1. Diet plan for fat burning (men)
  2. Nutritional plan for building muscle (men)
  3. Diet plan for fat burning (women)
  4. Nutritional plan for building muscle (women)

The hypertrophy guide for men and women

We keep getting the same questions every day. This shows that almost all athletes are still very uncertain when it comes to explicit training questions or when their own diet has to be adapted to the training goal. For many of you an almost insurmountable obstacle. So if you have questions similar to the following questions …

Силовые тренировки для похудения | Republika

  • How do I achieve effective muscle building?
  • How do I have to train as a woman?
  • What is the difference between muscle building training and fat burn training?
  • How often and for how long do I have to train?
  • How can I increase my weights in a targeted manner during training so that I become stronger?
  • Which exercises are essential and how do I learn the right technique when performing the exercise?
  • How high do the weights have to be?
  • How many repetitions are actually necessary?
  • How do I have to eat for my training goal?

Модные спортивные тренировки 2018 года — www.wday.ru

..then you should take a look at our Hypertrophy Guide. You can download a PDF preview here. The scope will seem enormous to you at first. But if you want to achieve success, you just can’t get past the essential basics!

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